Network distance

The following is an example of how to calculate network distance in python. I used the following sites as resources to create this: - -

These are the python libraries I will use

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import osmnx as ox
import networkx as nx
from shapely.geometry import box, LineString, Point,MultiPoint
import pyproj
import os
import sys

Open Street Map

  • We pull in data from Open Street Map

  • Specify that that we will be calculating walking distances

place_name = "New York City, NY, United States of America"
graph = ox.graph_from_place(place_name, network_type='walk')
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(graph, fig_height=12)

From the graph, we will extract the nodes and the edges(lines) into geopandas dataframes

nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(graph, nodes=True, edges=True)

Check the crs of each of them

{'init': 'epsg:4326'}
{'init': 'epsg:4326'}

Obtain some statistics about the graph we had extracted

stats = ox.basic_stats(graph)
{'n': 102520,
 'm': 319636,
 'k_avg': 6.235583300819353,
 'intersection_count': 89591,
 'streets_per_node_avg': 3.119761997658993,
 'streets_per_node_counts': {0: 0,
  1: 12929,
  2: 3,
  3: 52635,
  4: 35920,
  5: 889,
  6: 136,
  7: 7,
  8: 1},
 'streets_per_node_proportion': {0: 0.0,
  1: 0.12611197815060476,
  2: 2.926258291065158e-05,
  3: 0.5134120171673819,
  4: 0.3503706593835349,
  5: 0.008671478735856419,
  6: 0.0013265704252828716,
  7: 6.827936012485369e-05,
  8: 9.754194303550527e-06},
 'edge_length_total': 24370226.77800066,
 'edge_length_avg': 76.24368587393366,
 'street_length_total': 12266411.895000145,
 'street_length_avg': 76.47770396902679,
 'street_segments_count': 160392,
 'node_density_km': None,
 'intersection_density_km': None,
 'edge_density_km': None,
 'street_density_km': None,
 'circuity_avg': 1.0425264395549814,
 'self_loop_proportion': 0.0035915854284248334,
 'clean_intersection_count': None,
 'clean_intersection_density_km': None}

Test case

We will use two points that are across from each other, but has a highway between them. The network analysis route should move along the road until it find a road that can cross under the highway.

To see the points: Destination point:’13.9%22N+73%C2%B051’50.6%22W/@40.737199,-73.8662467,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d40.737199!4d-73.864058

Origin point:’56.9%22N+73%C2%B051’42.0%22W/@40.732484,-73.8638547,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d40.732484!4d-73.861666

target_xy = (40.737199,-73.864058)
orig_xy = (40.732484,-73.861666)

For the origin/destination point, we will find the nearest node.

orig_node = ox.get_nearest_node(graph, orig_xy, method='euclidean')
target_node = ox.get_nearest_node(graph, target_xy, method='euclidean')
o_closest = nodes.loc[orig_node]
t_closest = nodes.loc[target_node]
print("o_closest", o_closest)
print("t_closest", t_closest)
o_closest highway                  traffic_signals
osmid                           42814128
ref                                  NaN
x                               -73.8617
y                                40.7325
geometry    POINT (-73.861666 40.732473)
Name: 42814128, dtype: object
t_closest highway                   traffic_signals
osmid                          3614573766
ref                                   NaN
x                                 -73.864
y                                 40.7372
geometry    POINT (-73.8640431 40.737171)
Name: 3614573766, dtype: object
route = nx.shortest_path(G=graph, source=orig_node, target=target_node, weight=None)
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(graph, route, origin_point=orig_xy, destination_point=target_xy, fig_height=12)
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Capture the route nodes and turn it into a LineString

route_nodes = nodes.loc[route]
route_line = LineString(list(route_nodes.geometry.values))

Make a geodataframe to store the data

route_geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
route_geom['geometry'] = None
route_geom['osmids'] = None

Add the information into the geodataframe

route_geom.loc[0, 'geometry'] = route_line
route_geom.loc[0, 'osmids'] = str(list(route_nodes['osmid'].values))

Now is the time to convert the data into epsg 2263.

{'init': 'epsg:4326'}
route_geom = route_geom.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:2263'})

Calculate route length

route_geom['length_ft'] = route_geom.length
route_geom['length_miles'] = route_geom['length_ft'] *0.000189394
0    0.546331
Name: length_miles, dtype: float64
route_geom['id'] = route_geom.index

View the route!

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c14fb47828>
geometry osmids length_ft length_miles id
0 LINESTRING (1022588.666680825 206166.516154735... [42814128, 5572315119, 5487756539, 42814124, 3... 2884.624747 0.546331 0
fp =  r"intermediate_data\test_route_shapefile.shp"
'H:\\Personal\\Network distance'