Jeremy J. Sze’s Masters Thesis Documentation¶
I used sphinx with the nbsphinx extension to document my thesis’s Jupyter Notebooks (Python, SOS, Stata_kernel). Contact:
Link to thesis:
- An Evaluation of the Impact of Leading Pedestrian Interval Signals in NYC
- Abstract
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- 1. Signal intersection
- 2. Leading Pedestrian Interval Signals (LPIs)
- 3. Linking Signal intersection to other data
- 4. NYPD Motor Vehicle Collision data
- 5. Calculate collision outcomes
- 6. Set up Quarterly Panel data
- 7. Convert analytical panel data into shapefile
- 8. Thiessen Polygons
- Stata Analysis of NYC Leading Pedestrian Interval Signal (LPIs)
- Calculate Contiguity and Inverse Distance matrix
- Use saved matrix
- Non-spatial Models